Colombia Tolima Gaitania
Regular price $22.00
Gaitania is located in the southern portion of Tolima, bordering Huila and Cauca, in the foothills of the Northern Andes. The Gaitania area is dominated by the Huila volcano, which is the fourth tallest mountain in Colombia and is topped by a glacier.
This coffee is produced by the "Nasa Wesx," an indigenous community. They are a member of ASOPEP cooperative. Gaitania is a remote region of Planadas, Colombia, known for citric and fruity coffees. This particular lot balances those clean fruit notes with a lovely dark chocolate foundation.
Flavor Notes: Peach, Vanilla, Chocolate, Balanced
Roast Profile: Medium-Light
Producer: Nasa Wesx & ASOPEP Co-operative
Process: Washed
Varieties: Castillo, Caturra
Altitude: 1,700 - 2,000 MASL
Score: 86 points
Please note: In an effort ensure your coffee arrives as fresh as possible, we roast everything to order. Website orders are roasted each Wednesday, packaged Wednesday, and shipped on Thursday. Orders will be filled as quickly as possible depending on availability, but please note that orders placed after Monday may be filled the following week.
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